msb gallery is pleased to present “Fold the Scene,” a solo exhibition by Ayako Inoue.
The scenery that the artist paints is the one close to her. She expresses it without relying on outlines, but by using the bleeding and blurring of colors of oil paint.
The scenes, which she depicts while considering what appears in the dim light and how it exists, feel like afterimages of memories that are slowly etched in the mind, but they certainly exist.
We hope you enjoy the pure and quiet atmosphere that her scene creates.
msb gallery is pleased to present “SEAL,” a solo exhibition by TASSEI FURUYA.
Based in Osaka, he creates three-dimensional and semi-three-dimensional works using old paper, wood, and water-based paints.
He attempts to evoke heat, which is difficult to perceive visually, through scorch marks, earthy appearance, and the transience of objects that are distorted yet retain their shape.
In this exhibition, we hope to share with all of you his works that leave a warm trace in today's ever-changing world.
※ The artist is scheduled to be in the gallery on the following days:
March 20 and 21 at 15:00~19:00
March 22 at 12:00~19:00
March 30 at 12:00~17:00
1998 Born in Osaka, Japan
2021 Osaka University of Arts, BA in Fine Arts: Oil paintings
Solo exhibitions
2024 TOMOSHIBI, Kawata gallery, Kobe, Japan
2023 KEEP HEAT, Gallery Bricolage, Kobe, Japan
Rebuild, Café du Vent, Kyoto, Japan
Trace, Bio Dental Clinic ASHIYA, Kobe, Japan
2022 Territory, Gallery Bricolage, Kobe Japan
Existence, ART COCKTAIL, Osaka, Japan
2021 Record and replay, Gallery Bricolage, Kobe, Japan
Group exhibitions
2024 KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2024, Kanazawa, Japan
OSAKA ART MARKET 2024, Osaka, Japan
ART JAKARTA 2024, Jakarta, Indonesia
ART OSAKA 2024, Osaka, Japan
2023 device -Group exhibition: Chapter 6, KEN FINE ART, Osaka, Japan
KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2023, Kanazawa, Japan
UNKNOWN ASIA 2023, Osaka, Japan
ART WEEKS at Daimaru Kobe, Kobe Japan
KOBE ART MARCHÉ 2023, Kobe Japan
2022 ART COCKTAIL World 5th ART COMPETITION, Osaka Japan
2021 ARTdrops organized by Marco gallery, Tokyo, Japan
msb gallery is pleased to present “Un chemin de fil,” a solo exhibition by Armel Barraud.
Currently based in Rennes, France, she creates wire lace artworks using the traditional bobbin lace technique.
Skillfully weaving delicate metallic threads with spindles and fingertips, she crafts her own poetic and dreamlike universe.
This is achieved by combining patterns of motifs featuring figures, animals, and plants inspired by fairy tales or Greek myths. It’s as if she is telling a story with metal threads.
This marks her first solo exhibition in Tokyo. She has had a connection with Japan since 2010 when she participated in the Artist in Residence program at Villa Kujyoyama, part of the Kansai Franco-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center in Kyoto.
We hope you enjoy her funny and humorous works in this exhibition.
Armel Barraud
2012 The reflection, 1st prize in the FIMA competition (International Festival of Crafts) Baccarat, France
Talents à la carte, Winner of the competition, Salon Maison et objects, France Young challenge, Fondation d’Art de France, Paris, France
2024 Marelle, ombre et dentelle. Argenteuil, France
2023 Atelier Byzance, fleurs, Paris
2023 ID textile, Aiguille en fête, Paris
2023 Entrelacs et dentelle, Bibliothèque Est Ensemble.
2022 Festival du Textile “Living Lace”, Renaix , Belgique
2022 De Fil en Fil, Galerie de l'Hôpital Camfrout, Bretagne
2021 Ne pas piétiner: espace naturel au repos, solo exposition, Maison des dentelles, Argentan
2020-23 Wir, Galerie Hokema, Allemagne, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Ballade avec Don Quichotte, Textile Box, Musée du costume et de la dentelle, Brussels, Belgium
Exposition de Dentelle contemporaine, Congrés mondial de la dentelle, Bruges, Belgium
2017 Le Multiple, Galerie LOUISE, Paris, France
Galerie FISCH HAUS, Wichita, KS, USA
Empreinte et légèreté poétique, Ateliers Art de France
Exposition anniversaire de la revue composition, Galerie O.F.R, Paris, France
2016 Le corps, Ateliers d’Art de France, Galerie Collection ; Paris, France
Autels, Galerie IKI, Paris, France
2015 Renaissance, MET, Metropolitan Museum of Manila, Manille, Philippines Suivez le fil ! Entrez en matière, Institut National des Métiers d’art, Cité des sciences, Paris, France
Renaissance, Exposition de la pièce Moucharabieh, Musée Bargoin et Festival international des textiles extraordinaires, Clermont Ferrand, France
Dentelles…et plus si affinités, Commissaire d’exposition. Pôle expérimental des Métiers d’art et FRACE, Nontron, France
Folles dentelles, Galerie «A l’écu de France», Viroflay, France
2014 Dans la verdoyance du mille-fleurs, solo exhibition, Seikado, Kyoto, Japan
The French Craft Project, COLLECT(Stand 7.6) , the Staachi Gallery, London, UK
2010 Agathe de Bailliencourt/ Catherine Gianola/ Armel Barraud, contiguous zone vol.2 "touch to Japanese sensibility," YOD Gallery, Osaka, Japan
Une histoire racontée à travers des dentelles, solo exhibition, Seikado, Kyoto, Japan
Provided Works
Collaboration works for minä perhonen realized from their own cloth designs.
🇫🇷Biographie en français
Armel Barraud
Née en 1979, au Havre en France.
Actuellement habitant à Rennes, France, Armel crée des œuvres en dentelle de fils de metal utilisant la technique traditionnelle de la dentelle aux fuseaux.
Tissant habilement des fils métalliques délicats au fuseau et au bout des doigts, elle crée son propre univers poétique et onirique.
Elle y parvient en combinant des motifs représentant des personnages, des animaux et des plantes inspirés de contes de fées ou de mythes grecs. C'est comme si elle racontait une histoire avec des fils de métal.
Ce sera sa première exposition personnelle à Tokyo, pour elle qui a un lien avec le Japon depluis qu’elle a participé au programme d'artiste en résidence à la Villa Kujyoyama au sein du Centre culturel franco-japonais du Kansai à Kyoto en 2010.
Nous espérons vous apprécier ses œuvres drôles et plein d'humour dans cette exposition.
2012 Le reflet, 1er prix du concours FIMA (Festival Internationale des Métiers d’Art) Baccarat, France Talents à la carte, Lauréate du concours, Salon Maison et objets, France Défi jeune, Fondation d’Art de France, Paris, France
msb gallery is pleased to present “Where the tides meet,” a solo exhibition by Nana Matsumoto.
Her works are mainly a combination of flat surfaces and objects.
In this exhibition, she experimentally explores the interaction between different materials and the reaction within the works, which changes depending on the presence of conditions and substances.
We hope you enjoy the sensation of a glimpse into fragments of memory.
Artist Statement
Where currents of different temperatures and salinities collide, long, thin lines appear on the ocean's surface, along which bubbles and pieces of wood gather.
The connection between an object and its purpose or background begins to waver when it interacts with something else. By combining planes, objects, words, etc., I find causal or non-causal relationships between different things and reconstruct them within the framework of painting.
Nana Matsumoto
1986 Born in Chiba, Japan
2008 Tokyo Zokei University of Arts,B.A. in Fine Arts
2009 The West of England of Art and Design(exchange), Bristol, UK
2010 Tokyo Zokei University of Arts,M.A. in Fine Arts
Award and Grant
2010 Tokyo Zokei Award, Fine Art
2009 The24th HOLBEIN scholarship
2008 Tokyo Wonder Wall Award
Solo Exhibitions
2022 'Polyonymous' LOOP HOLE, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan
2013 'Multiple Elements' gallery valuer, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
2011 'It's just flitted' ignition gallery, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
'It's just flitted' atelier kirigiris, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan
2010 'on the flat' gallery sakamaki, Kyobashi, Tokyo, Japan
2009 'Tokyo Wonder Wall 2009' Metropolitan of Tokyo, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
'ROOTS OF ONE' TWS-Emerging2009.Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Suidobashi, Tokyo, Japan
Group Exhibition
2024 'Drawing Exhibition Featuring Four Artists' HAGIWARA PROJECTS, Tokyo, Japan
2023 'Fungal Fugue" Paris Internationale (HAGIWARA PROJECTS), Paris, France, Japan
'Fungal Fugue" HAGIWARA PROJECTS, Tokyo, Japan
2022 'Open Studio + Book Shop' studio REV, Tana, Kanagawa, Japan
'The 57th Kanagawa Exhibition' Kanagawa, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
'Holbein Art Fair ' shibuya scramble square, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2021 'Metomato' Artist-run space Merdre, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan
2020 'Steering along with tempo of rain' Akibatamabi21/3331 Arts Ciyoda, Sotokanda, Tokyo, Japan
2017 'Post-Formalist Painting'statments,Ebisu/Komagome soko, Komagome, Tokyo, Japan
2015 'Robo No Kaiga' Art-Lab Hashimoto, Hashimoto, Kanagawa, Japan
2014 'Field of Painiting' Tokyo Metroporitan Art Museum, Ueno, Tokyo, Japan
2010 'Art Fair in SPAZIO 01 YOGA' Tokyo-Gumi, Tokyo, Japan
'M-polyphony'08' Zokei gallery, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
2009 'small selection' gallery sagamaki, Kyobashi, Tokyo, Japan
2008 'continue art project 2008' old primary school, Oshima, Nigata, Japan
'Tokyo Wonder Wall 2008' Tokyo Contemporary Art Museum, Kiyosumishirakawa, Tokyo, Japan
'polyphony bild/ga umarerutoki' -OME ART PROJECT2008 6th related program, Eiji Yoshikawa's memorial hall, Ome, Tokyo, Japan
'Fukei/ga umarerutoki' -workshop report exhibition, citizens gallery of Ome Museum, Ome, Tokyo, Japan
Open studio
'Super Open Studio' studio REV, Tana, Kanagawa, Japan (2012-)
Selected interviews and reviews
'Made in Mind Magazine' Interview Issue